Our soup suppers are becoming the highlight of my week! Together we have entered the wilderness and we have explored the limitless love of God. Children and youth have created some awesome crafts, and, needless to say, the food is delicious. We now journey into our third week of Lent with the theme "Transformation (Not Perfection)." We read the story of the Jesus flipping tables in the Temple in John 2:13-22. Jesus "cleaned house" and literally showed people what needed to go so that the space can be properly inhabited for God. The same is true for us. When we properly inhabit our bodies and lives for the Divine, God changes us and we become new creations.
Here are your questions for Wednesday evening, March 6:
Where in your life have you noticed a shift from perfectionism to presence?
Does seeing people through God’s lens soften you toward others?
When have you experienced a small act of love from someone?
If you haven't yet come to a soup supper, please join us for these special evenings!