St. Bart's is a generous faith family, recognizing that all we are and all we have comes from God. Everyone is invited to give time, talents, and treasure as real and visible signs of our faith and our commitment to God and our church. We are invited to participate fully in sharing our gifts all 12 months each year, not only during this time for making an annual financial pledge.
Each year we share our reasons for supporting St. Bart’s mission, ministry, and programs by making Giving Walls to write in our own words, "Why I Give." The notes are placed on the sanctuary windows to share our faith and personal commitment to the future of St. Bart's. Let us celebrate our shared purpose and mission as we Walk in Love together and with our neighbors. Thank you for supporting St. Bart’s!
Dear St. Bart's Family,
Last year at this time, I was your newly installed rector. In that stewardship letter, I wrote to you about the new current flowing through the church. There was excitement over new leadership and the return of so many face to St. Bart's after a time apart. READ MORE
We are grateful for the invitation to lead our Giving Campaign and to spend these next weeks with intention that is part of year-round giving. Our theme for 2025 is Walk in Love, calling us to remember that our greatest gift is how we come together with shared purpose and mission for St. Bart's. READ MORE

2025 Giving Campaign Committee
Bill Angus, St. Bart's Treasurer
Anne Hand, Campaign Co-chair
Judy Macemon, Vestry and Campaign Co-chair
Terry McCune, Finance Committee Chair
Joe Snodgrass, Vestry Junior Warden
Lisa Watts, Parish Administrator
Jerry Gray, Vestry Senior Warden
Mother Nina Bacas, St. Bart's Rector
To make your 2025 pledge and/or set up payments, click the button below:
You will receive automated email confirmation that your pledge was received.
To make a pledge for the remainder of 2024 in addition to the 2025 pledge, click the button below:
To make a general donation or one-time gift to St. Bart's, including various ministry donations,
click the button below:
Questions? Contact Bill Angus, St. Bart's Treasurer
Giving at St. Bart's
As a church, we believe we are called to respond to the generosity of the gospel by supporting our church, community, and world. We express our love to God by giving our time, talents, and treasure. Giving is not dues to the church, rather giving is an act of faith and commitment to ensure that the work and ministry of St. Bart’s can continue each year and for generations to come.
Why do we give?

Give online:
You can make a single gift or schedule recurring donations like your annual pledge. Giving online is the fastest way for us to receive your contributions and it is easy to set up payments using a credit card or directly from your bank account. To give securely online, please click here.
Give by mail:
Send your check to the church address below. If your contribution is restricted or designated to a particular fund (such as Flowers), please make sure that is noted in the memo line on your check. Please make all checks payable to St. Bartholomew's Episcopal Church.
St. Bartholomew's Episcopal Church
16275 Pomerado Road
Poway, CA 92064
If you prefer to make payments using weekly envelopes that are placed in the offering plates, please contact Maura Schmitz, our Bookkeeper, at 858-432-7105.
Give by phone:
You can make a gift by phone using a debit or credit card by contacting Maura Schmitz, our Bookkeeper, at 858-432-7105.
Give using stock or securities:
Give using stock, securities or 401k MRD: We welcome your gifts using appreciated securities and IRA or 401k minimum required distribution transfer. For instructions on making these transfers please contact our treasurer, Bill Angus.
How do I give?
Statements are sent at the end of the calendar year to your e-mail address on file. If you would like to receive a mailed copy of your Giving Statement, or have any questions, please contact our treasurer, Bill Angus.
Giving Statements
Why I Give
We give in response to God’s goodness, abundance, and generosity to each of us, God’s grace—and what is our response to that?
Giving FAQs
How many services are there?We offer weekend services in the Chapel on Saturday at 5:00 p.m. and Sunday at 8:00 and 10:00 a.m. in the church Sanctuary. Children’s Chapel begins at the beginning of the 10:00 a.m. Sunday service, and the kids return at the time of the peace to receive Communion with their parents. Weekday services include Morning Prayer in the Chapel from Tuesday-Thursday at 8:40 a.m., Evening Prayer in the Sanctuary from Tuesday-Thursday at 5:00 p.m., and a Healing Service with Holy Communion in the Chapel on Thursday at 12:00 p.m.
What are the services like?Weekend services all include Holy Communion; all are welcome to receive communion at St. Bart’s. The Saturday 5:00 p.m. service and Sunday 10:00 a.m. services include music and singing, while the 8:00 a.m. service on Sunday is prayerful and quiet with meditative music. Weekday services use the Book of Common Prayer and do not include music or singing.
How can I follow along with the services?Bulletins are provided for the weekend services and online in the weekly eNews and on the website. The order of service is also projected during seasonal 10:00 a.m. Sunday services and Wednesday ReGen services.
What about kids and youth?Children participate in Godly Play each Sunday from 9:00-9:45 a.m. in the Education Building while parents can grab a coffee and attend the Adult Forums. Youth Forum is also 9:00-9:45 a.m. in the Youth Room each Sunday. The children start with parents at the 10:00 a.m. service and leave to join Children’s Chapel shortly after the service begins. They return at the time of the peace and join parents for the remainder of the service with Holy Communion.
Can I join worship online?The 10:00 a.m. service is live-streamed each Sunday morning. The link to join that service is provided each week in the Weekly News, and on the homepage of our website.
Where do I park?Please scroll down for info on parking.
Can newcomers attend?We welcome newcomers and visitors to every service and invite you to participate fully as you are comfortable. Please let us know that you are new so we can welcome you and get to know you better. Please complete a newcomer form on the Your First Visit page.
Will I be able to use a restroom?Yes, all restrooms are available during service times.

Planned Giving
St. Bart’s Legacy Society was established for members who wish to make a legacy gift that supports future generations. Everyone who confirms making provisions for a donation to St. Bartholomew's Episcopal Church in their estate plan becomes a member of the Legacy Society.
While an estate plan determines a destiny for your assets after your passing, making a planned gift to St. Bart’s also communicates your values, wishes, and memories as well as financial support for St. Bart's programs and ministries for generations to come.