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St. Basil Meets Marie Kondo

In listening sessions last summer, I heard lament after lament about the loss of the St. Bart’s Thrift Shop. It was truly a part of our church DNA. But the good news is, this same spirit lives on in our Rummage Sale!

Just like the Thrift Shop, the Rummage Sale brings people together. A total of 68 wonderful volunteers are making it happen this year. But no matter how many volunteers step forward, there can be no sale without donations.

Last year was very successful. Some feared that the congregation had fully purged their homes in 2023 and there would be nothing left for 2024. More good news—this has not been the case! The response to the request for

donations has been the same as last year. I think this is because of who we are

at St. Bart’s. This identity is a lived discernment that I’ve coined “St. Basil meets Marie Kondo.”

Basil of Caesarea was the fourth-century bishop who basically pointed

out that if you are not using something, then it doesn’t belong to you. It

belongs a person who needs it.

Marie Kondo is a renowned twenty-first-century tidying expert. She tells us that if something does not spark joy in your home, then it needs to move on. She asks, “Isn’t this the lifestyle you dream of?”

It is. As Christians, we know that everything comes from God and we are simply stewards. If our things do not serve us with utility or joy, that’s a sign that it’s time to pass them along to a new owner. We give thanks to our team of volunteers who provide us with a venue to be faithful stewards of our gifts. Through them, we are able to help meet the needs of the community and spread the gift of joy as well!

Mother Nina+


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