This week, St. Bart’s Preschool gifted me this beautiful painted pot with a lavender plant. As their chaplain, it’s a bittersweet reminder that, yes, this program year is coming to an end. It also caused me to reflect on all that we as a church have done this year, and on how far we have come. Even if we just look at the last five months, it’s pretty amazing.
Like all Episcopal churches, we celebrated the three holiest feasts (Christmas, Easter, Pentecost), held an annual meeting, and elected a new Vestry class. But we also had a Bishop’s Visitation, a Gala, a Rummage Sale, and a Preschool Art Show. We launched a new website and lending library, hired a new parish administrator, hosted a multiweek tax clinic, repaired the roof, went full solar, had lots of concerts, and blessed a new piano and sanctuary adornments—all while enjoying delightful hospitality and welcoming newcomers!
As we approach summer, it’s time for us all to take a little breather, including me. From May 27 to June 11, I will be overseas in Normandy, France, for the 80th anniversary of D-Day. I look forward to returning with many reflections to share with you.
While I am away, you will be in good hands. The Rev. Cathey Dowdle will preach and celebrate on June 1-2. On June 8-9, she will be joined by guest preacher the Rev. Scott Gunn, Executive Director of Forward Movement. Our Senior Warden, Jerry Gray, will be leading the church. Morning Prayer will continue with a lay leader. For pastoral concerns, contact the Rev. Bill Zettinger or Nancy Peterson, our Pastoral Care Coordinator. Send your e-news submissions to Lisa Watts. For youth, contact Jacob Robling.
When I return in June, we will officially be in “Year Two” together. Based on “Year One,” I know it will be filled with many bravos as we move ahead in God’s astonishing dream for us.
Mother Nina+