Don’t underestimate the value of coffee hour. It is more than just a kind treat. The sharing, caring, and enjoyment of our congregation is embodied in our hospitality. I mean it when I say that it is a continuation of the Eucharistic service—it is a time for us to continue bonding with one another as the body of Christ. Coffee hour is truly a part of our cruciform Sunday celebration, where Christ’s outstretched arms enfold us all. It matters!
The first church I worked for as a layperson was The Falls Church Episcopal in Northern Virginia. When I was hired, the church was recovering from a split with the Anglican Church of North America (ACNA). In order to nurture the people who remained, some stepped up to turn coffee hour into a brunch every Sunday. We could literally smell the bacon during the Eucharist! This new tradition was loved not only by the faithful remnant, but by newcomers as well. More and more came every Sunday. I started to help by bringing an egg casserole. Once, a man told me that he had only gotten out of bed that morning for a bite of that egg puff. Eventually, the church gave me a stipend to bring TWO every Sunday! We began to joke that this casserole rebuilt the church. (I must admit, it is delicious.)
Having a brunch every Sunday was a unique situation at The Falls Church. But I am a firm believer that one way we live into our Christian mission is to provide a potluck of refreshments at coffee hour. I have seen God’s work in this world through hospitality.
So, starting next month, we will ask people to take turns living into this hospitality. To make it easy, every month we will post a range of letters. If your last name starts with one of these letters, it’s your turn! In August, if your last name starts with A-E, please bring a plate when you come to church. (Note that you can borrow a plate or platter from the MPR kitchen. Then you won’t have to worry about getting back your own plate later.)
Please join us when the first letter of your last name pops up, or, honestly, anytime you feel inclined. Maybe you picked up something extra at the grocery store, or you have leftovers from a party, or you simply enjoy cooking. You never know who may come to church just for a bite of something you bring. Being a “B,” I promise to bring my famous casserole in August!
Mother Nina+
P.S. This egg puff recipe has a total of eight ingredients. Can you guess which one makes it “Californian” to an East Coaster?