Last Saturday night was so special. The energy at the Gala was joyful and simply fun. Part of what made it so wonderful was that our outreach partners were present. We were able to meet them in person, and they were able to meet our other outreach partners. The relationship-building was beyond value. I think our partner Beth Beall of Vida Joven summed up the evening most clearly. She wrote us to say:
THANK YOU for welcoming Vida Joven Foundation board members, orphanage liaisons, orphanage directors, and me to your wonderful gala! Wow, did we enjoy ourselves. And wow, did you impress us with your warm welcome, your really well-organized event, and your big hearts. Today I visited two of our orphanages. The director of the Vida Joven Orphanage shared this reflection about your gala:
Beth, I watched as the people at the event raised their hands to give away their money. And then I watched as they danced. They DANCED! I got to witness firsthand the joy of their generosity. I told the orphanage staff about it today. I said, “Let us continue to be worthy of St. Bart’s trust. And let us keep giving them a reason to dance.”
Beautiful words, eh? And beautiful you, St. Bart’s. Keep caring, keep giving, keep dancing!
The inspirational spirit of Beth and Vida Joven lifts us up as we look
ahead to another year of life-giving partnerships. May we continue to be worthy of their trust as we celebrate all that God calls us to. Indeed, that is
a reason to dance. As Paul writes in 2 Corinthians, “God loves a cheerful giver.” That we were on Saturday night!
Mother Nina+